Use My DSO Manager September is a key period in the management of debt collection.

The business activity restarts at full capacity, soliciting their cash to fund this increase while cash is stretched because of a spike in payment delays due to the summer period.

Everyone runs after the payment of its invoices to keep its cash in the green and honor its commitments to its partners.
Debts recovery is a full-time job whose effectiveness depends on the skills of persons responsible for it and tools available to do the job.
My DSO Manager provides a set of innovative features allowing even to non-specialists to:

  • organize their dunning actions in order to be most effective to get paid as quickly as possible
  • give credibility to their business with customers with a tool allowing to streamline customer financial relationship
  • increase the skills of collectors and significantly reduce time to administrative work (extraction and manipulation of accounting data in Excel, writing letters and emails ...) with low added value.
One of the major benefits of this web software is to be used very quickly thanks to the data import module Smart Upload. You decide to use My DSO Manager? You can make your first actions of recovery in the tool within the same day.
To do this, create your platform independently, import your data and make your customers paying you.
vidéo My DSO Manager

Use the aging balance report to filter the most overdue customers in value and time. Prioritize your dunning actions on the larger issues.
More an invoice is old, the less the probability of recovery is high. It is estimated that after six months late, only 50% of bills are paid.

Use My DSO Manager now

Enable interactive e-mails to streamline discussions with your customers who will have the opportunity to inform you of paying your bills directly on the application.

Customize emails sent to your customers. If it is better to send a standard letter rather than nothing, the best is to adapt the content for certain privileged clients. Every business relationship is special, ensure your customers feel it to improve the efficiency of your collection actions while strengthening the business relationship.

My DSO Manager allows to dynamically create your own models of mail or e-mails while keeping the ability to customize when you send them.

Identify disputes and speed up their resolution to get paid and increase customer satisfaction.

Some may believe that debt collection is anti-business. My DSO Manager proves the opposite daily. The software allows both to strengthen the business relationship and accelerate cash receipts.

See the online demo.


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Date: 08-25-2015 - Author: Bertrand Mazuir
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