Credit Management Tools is the vision of a Credit Manager who started to create his own corner of the internet, after years of experience. He wanted to share his knowledge and best practices in collection and credit management with his peers of the credit management community from all over the world. In order to achieve his goal, he created a website with many tutorials and tools available. For more than 15 years, Credit Management Tools has helped credit managers, accountants, financial directors, etc. Seeing it growing more and more and faced with the technological evolution of recent years, we have decided to bring it an air of renewal. A new design that is accompanied by new features and a gradual update of the tutorials already present on the site. After a few weeks of exploring the site and discovering its new appearance, it is time to take a look at the novelty!

Reply to comments

In order to bring more and more sharing and to offer you a real space for discussions, we have set up the possibility to answer comments. By clicking the small arrow at the end of the comment you want to reply to, you can select it and then write your message as you would have done for a simple comment.

Credit Management professionals, at your keyboards! Share your knowledge and experience with your colleagues here and elsewhere today.

For your safety and that of other Internet users, all comments are obviously checked before posting so don’t worry if your answer does not appear immediately.

A new podcasts page

You are a professional in one of the areas related to credit management and would like to participate in a future podcast? Contact us directly by clicking on the banner available on the podcast page. We will be more than happy to invite you for a future episode!

Updated tutorials

Our site would not exist without the tutorials to optimize your account receivable management. Over time, our tutorials have helped dozens of professionals in their work.

Today, digitization-related changes are accelerating and some tips are no longer relevant. So we asked our experts to make a massive update of our tutorials by bringing up-to-date information.

So find your favorite tutorials right now, in an updated version!

Keep an eye on upcoming events

Another novelty of the rework, you can now keep track of upcoming events and upcoming publications on our website.

By clicking on the small calendar icon next to the search bar, you will be directed to our calendar page. You will then find different types of events:

  • in green: the podcast episodes
  • in black: the webinars
  • in red: the videos
  • in gray: the fairs and other physical events
  • in blue: the news of credit management and our site

Our videos and webinars are here

No more need to change the tab to see our videos or webinars. Our technical teams have set up two pages dedicated to this type of content for your pleasure.

In the coming days we will be putting online more and more videos already on our YouTube channel or in our files. We therefore ask you to be patient and we wish you a good viewing of those already present!

Date: 06-10-2024 - Author: Coline Jacobé
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