Zoom on the cash and risks curves
The tool cash and risks curves simulates dynamically the credit risk and manufacturing risk based on monthly costs and payment term applied to invoices. It gives on a monthly basis the actual...
Zoom on the cash and risks curves
The tool cash and risks curves simulates dynamically the credit risk and manufacturing risk based on monthly costs and payment term applied to invoices. It gives on a monthly basis the actual...
What role for the CFO in credit management?
Revenue growth, optimization of the working capital requirement (WCR) and cash, increase of the profitability and of earnings are all issues related to the management of the accounts receivable...
What payment methods for export business?
International trade is very specific and differs significantly from domestic trade. Realities are multiple depending on the sector of activity, the country of the buyer and the type of business...
Use online tools of credit management tools!
DSO calculation and DSO reporting : calculate the DSO of your business or for a group of clients or per client. The tool split the DSO into 2 parts: the contractual DSO and the overdue DSO. It...
How to use the chart of authority in credit management?
The Chart of Authority (CoA) belongs to the credit management policy and establish the level of authority of each person in the organization for setting up credit limits or payment conditions. The...
Which vows for companies?
Translation of the satiric pic of Charb: Growth arrives! What the hell is she doing? Beginning of the year 2015 is the opportunity to ask some questions. What are the vows to wish to a...
New tool: specific dunning letter before yearly closing
New dunning letter template to be used few weeks before closing of financial year of your company.It requests the payment of all due invoices of this year in order to clear customer account and avoid...
At year end, put the turbo on debt collection
For many companies the end of calendar year corresponds with the end of their financial year. The balance sheet as of December 31 will form the basis of evaluation of creditworthiness done by many...
New features for calculating the DSO
A new feature allows you to calculate DSO and to perform DSO reporting on several perimeters. There are many advantages for this segmentation of the DSO as it helps to detect which areas are...
New tool for calculating due dates
New online tool to easily calculate the due date of your invoice. Select the date of issuance of the invoice and the payment delay to apply and the tool gives you the invoice due date. The...
How to avoid late payments?
Late payment and non-payment are the root cause of one business failure in four. Tens of thousands of companies go bankrupt every year because of this. They are a significant obstacle to...
Did you know your Credit Application Could be Costing you Money?
Credit applications are usually a way for creditors to collect information about a potential customer and communicate credit and contractual terms. Unfortunately, all too often the credit...